Welcome back #VibrantFam!
In this current series I am embarking on I am exploring those in my life that inspire me whether they are friends or family or random people I have met. Lets dive in!
Today I want to talk about my mom -- ooo boy this one is gonna get me. If you ask anyone in my life they will tell you I am a momma's boy. Anytime I am feeling down,if I have a bad day, if I need advice or simply want someone to talk to then you bet your bottom I am on the phone with my mom. She is my rock and I am ever so grateful to have been blessed with her as my mom.

My sister and I grew up primarily raised by my mother, with help from my grandmother as I discussed last post. We started in Texas and ended up in a small Northern Louisiana town and that is where we stayed for a hot minute. It was not always easy, she was a single mom working for a Non-Profit organization, raising two kids and trying hard to make sure we had the world. I remember when I was younger her having random jobs, I remember her working at a hospital for a short time and having to work late nights but then making sure we got to school on time the next morning. My sister and I obviously oblivious to much of what was going on and not really understanding why we could not always do things some of our other friends were doing. My mom persevered though, she worked so hard to make sure my sister and I had a good home and did not feel left out in any of our random activities. My mom inspires me in so many ways: she's resilient, she is incredibly loving, she is hard working and she is incredibly strong. No matter what is thrown her way she figures some way out of it and how to alleviate said issue, she ensures that everyone is okay and happy and took so many of my friends under her wings as if they were own kids. She makes sure that everyone feels loved and welcomed no matter what and even if she doesn't understand the circumstances fully. She inspires me to work hard and continue chasing my dreams -- she has been my biggest supporter in decisions I have made and paths I have chosen. She made me feel loved in a town I found it hard to even love myself while growing up queer. I aspire to be as resilient and hard working and loving as my mom taught and showed me to be.

I work hard to fulfill my dreams so that I can take care of her for once, there is no one more deserving in my life of that than her. She has given her all to make sure that I could do what I set my mind and heart to and I want to give her the same. My goal for you today is to think of who has been your cheerleader and foundation -- whether that is your mom like me or your best friend for years. Call them, thank them, let them know what pivotal role they have played in your life and rejoice. Who are you thankful for? Who Inspires You? Spread Love, Spread Light and Stay Vibrant. much love.