Hello there #VibrantFam. It has been a few months since we have last had the pleasure of interacting and highlighting some beautiful and inspiring individuals. The fall and winter months always seem to be the hardest to get through. Luckily, I have been surrounded by some incredible individuals and have been busy on the back-end. Let us catch up on what has been going on!
I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Miami for Art Basel and work with Billfold. I had the pleasure of working at Lemon City Studios, Wynwood Factory and Rakastella. During this time I had been going through the motions: lost my grandmother to cancer, visited family for Thanksgiving (which then just made me more homesick) and then back-to-back traveling. However, during Art Basel at Rakastella I had the opportunity to watch the sunrise on the beach while watching people dance and listening to beautiful music. Something about the orange and yellow hues over the black water until the sun awoke a beautiful blue in it just sent a vibration of comfort through my body.

I have been trying to think for sometime of how to kick the depression and lack of motivation that overcame me this year. In that moment at Rakastella, I thought that was it. However, I realized that it takes a lot more personal strength and perseverance to get through that than just a beautiful moment. I have been working on just surrounding myself with positive, uplifting individuals and focusing more on getting myself in a better place.
As I embark on a week of back to back shows at Avant-Gardner, I am excited for the new year and getting back to updating all of you on music and some crazy talented people. I am eager to get back to writing and sharing some of the amazing music I find, introducing you to the people I have been lucky enough to meet and above all of that, I am eager to continue to make mental health a less taboo topic in this wild industry we all love. I will see you in the coming days, with an insane review of the Cityfox Odyssey NYE Party. Stay Vibrant,